Tuesday 7 January 2014

The Wildlife 1981 (Cockatoo)

The date of issue of this "The Wildlife 1981" series is 10 December 1981. Following the wildlife series issued in 1980, Psittacidae family, in this year issue represented by 3 kind of cockatoo : Rp 75 (Kakatua Putih Besar Jambul Jingga or Cacatua moluccensis), Rp 100 (Kakatua Putih Besar Jambul Kuning or Cacatua galerita galerita), and Rp 200 (Kakatua Raja or Probosciger aterrimus).

 1. Kakatua Putih Besar Jambul Jingga (Pink Crested Cockatoo or Cacatua moluccensis). 
The habitat is the seconder forest in New Guinea and Moluccas. This bird is one of sub-species of Kakatua Putih Besar Jambul Kuning (Cacatua galerita galerita).

2. Kakatua Putih Besar Jambul Kuning (Sulphur Crested Cockatoo or Cacatua galerita galerita). 
The habitat is the seconder forest in New Guinea and Moluccas. There are 5 sub-species of this cockatoo i.e. : 
a. Cacatua galerita triton (Blue Eyed Cockatoo) found in New Guinea and Moluccas, 
b. Cacatua alba found in Obi, Bacan, Halmahera, Ternate and Tidore, 
c. Cacatua sulphurea found in Southeast Nusa Island and Celebes, 
d. Cacatua moluccensis found in Moluccas (Seram, Ambon, Saparua, Nusalaut), 
e. Cacatua gaffinis sanguinea found in Tanimbar and Southeast Nusa Island.

3. Kakatua Raja (King Cockatoo or Probosciger aterrimus). 
This species belongs to rare bird. The habitat is the primeval forest in New Guinea and Aru Island. There are 5 sub-species, i.e. : 
a. Probosciger aterrimus intermedia found in Aru Island (Dobo), 
b. Probosciger aterrimus goliath found in New Guinea, 
c. Probosciger aterrimus aleecto found in New Guinea (Waigeo, Salawati, Misool), 
d. Probosciger aterrimus aterrimus found in New Guinea, 
e. Probosciger aterrimus stenolophus found in New Guinea (Serui).

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