Friday 3 January 2014

The Wildlife 1980 (Lorikeet, Psittacidae)

This Wildlife IV series issued on the 25th of November 1980. There are three denominations : Rp 75 (Nuri Elang or Psittrichas fulgidus), Rp 100 (Nuri Punggung Kuning or Lorius garulla), and Rp 200 (Nuri Dada Merah or Trichoglossus haematodus rubritorquis). In this series, the theme chosen was "Parrot (Psittacidae)". 

Parrots being the name generally applied to all birds of the family Psittacidae, comprising well over 300 species and scattered throughout the inter-tropical zones, chiefly in America, in the islands of the South Pacific and in the Australian region but are more scantily represented in Africa and continental Asia. The family Psittacidae one of three families of true parrots consists of two subfamilies, the Old World or Afrotropical parrots (Psittacinae) and the New World or Neotropical parrots (Arinae). 

Birds of parrots family are found in the eastern part of the Archipelagoes, especially in the Moluccas and Irian Jaya where diversified species of parrots are in abundance. There is no uniform name in Indonesian for this kind of parrot. In Indonesian it can be called Nuri, Kasturi, Bayan, Betet, Ekek, Kakaktua, or Parkici. 

1.  Nuri Elang (Vulturine Parrot or Psittrichas fulgidus)
Also called Kasturi Raja - bigger than the common parrot also its nimbleness. Its feathers is shining black with brilliant red at the bottom of the wings and the belly. Its length is ± 50 cm. Also found in Irian Jaya.

2.  Nuri Punggung Kuning (Yellow-Backed Lorikeet or Lorius garulla)
Also known under latin name Domicella garulla flavopalliata. Found in North Moluccas, local people call it Nuri Merah or Kasturi Merah. This genus (with black hair on its head (Domicella domicella) belongs to the protected species and is found in the Moluccas and Irian Jaya. Its length is ± 26 cm.

3. Nuri Dada Merah (Rainbow Lorikeet or Trichoglossus haematodus rubritorquis)
Also called "Nuri Hijau" or "Parkica Hijau", its head is dark blue and yellow colour on its back neck. Also found in the Moluccas and Irian Jaya. Its body is slightly smaller than Yellow-Blacked Lory. Length is 26 cm approximately.

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